Creating a theme is simple, at least for a skilled designer. I have tried to make it as open and free as possible to design a site. I tried to keep constraints to what you can't do as little as possible. I hope this makes things very easy for designers to create new themes for CMS, and would like to see many community supplied themes. If you would like to have your theme added to the list of themes, e-mail me with your theme at Joe (at)
I have created a template to help designers get started, you can download it <a href="uploaded/">here</a>.
Each file has certain strings that will be replaced with the appropriate code by the CMS system.
This is a list of those and and their class properties for decoration. As you can see, I tried
leaving the theme engine open for a very relaxed design environment.
This is the master table layout. You can use either <table> or <div> but you will need to customize it appropriately.
<javascript> injects the javascript needed for the CMS to function.
class: (none)
<banner> a div containing the banner
Class: banner
<linkframe> a div containing the links
Class: linkframe
<bodyframe> a div containing the bodytext
Class: bodyframe
This is where you'll place your HTML for displaying your banner.
This is just a file to add <body> to, unless you want to further design the inside of your body
<bodytext> is replaced with a div containing the file data from the CMS section or subsection.
class: bodytext
This is just a file to add <link> to, unless you want to further design the inside of your link gutter.
<links> is div with your style that contains the appropriate <a href=> link and text it is then given this
div Class: links
This is how each individual link will look you will need to include <link>
<headlink> is an <a href=> that will display the appropriate caption per link.
a and div Class: headlink (on hover: headhoverlink)
The menu is displayed relative to where the link is currently being displayed. You can set
the options "before" or "after" in the options to determine if the menu begins drawing before
your link, or after. You will then want to use position:relative on your div containing your
list and then adjust your x and y positions. Please take a look at the default theme to see how
this works.
<menulist> is replaced with a <div> containing a list of <a href=> links
div class: menulist
Defines how each link will look in your pop up menus.
a and div Class: menulink (on hover: menuhoverlink)